Tips for living a happy, energetic, and healthy life.

Whole Grains: Are They Still Good For You?

Whole Grains: Are They Still Good For You?

For years, we've been taught that eating whole grain foods - from bread to pasta - builds good health. We've also learned that whole grains are a lot better than refined versions: they contain more vitamins and a lot more beneficial fiber. Many would say there is more...

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Tips For Making Kombucha Tea

Tips For Making Kombucha Tea

Kombucha tea has been around for about 2,000 years now. Chinese people refer to it as “the Immortal Health Elixir” because of the many health benefits it offers. Kombucha is made from sweetened tea…

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6 Fermentation Myths Busted

6 Fermentation Myths Busted

Fermented foods can help to improve your health and wellness. But there’s a lot of misinformation about these probiotic foods. Learn the truth behind some of the myths and misconceptions…

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Probiotics Are Pro-Health: Here's How to Consume Them

Probiotics Are Pro-Health: Here's How to Consume Them

You’ve probably been prescribed antibiotics throughout your life to fight infections. And you’ve definitely seen antibacterial soaps and detergents. That must mean all bacteria are bad, right? The truth is that many bacteria are actually very good…

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The Truth About Organic Foods

The Truth About Organic Foods

Organic foods are becoming more and more popular these days as people are increasingly becoming more health-conscious. After all, what could be safer and more natural than organic foods? Researchers say that organic foods are…

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Healthy Breakfast Ideas Your Kids Will Love

Healthy Breakfast Ideas Your Kids Will Love

Kids are picky eaters; there’s no getting around it. While it’s so tempting to go for an easy fix and just give them a bowl of Fruity Pebbles every morning, you have to realize that this is not healthy for your child…

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